Film & Media Production
Foundations of Creative Media - Film Course Code: TCC1000F
Foundations of Creative Media is an introductory course designed to inform students about careers in creative media, including digital design and digital film production. This Level 1 course serves as the foundation course for the Film & Media Production program of study introducing students to industry and equipment skills used in film production. Upon completion of the course, a proficient student will be able to explain what comprises the creative media industry sector, explain principles of design and its influences, demonstrate basic knowledge of digital camera and video equipment, and create a digital photo collection using design and equipment knowledge. A student will also be able to describe various occupations and outline the steps necessary to advance in specific careers. As part of a student’s program of study progression, the student will create a digital program of study portfolio, providing evidence of mastery of course standards and readiness to advance and complete the program of study. Digital Video Technology Course Code: TCV2000 Digital Video Technology is the introductory course in the Film & Media Production program of study designed to introduce students to the production process for digital film/video. Upon completion of the course, a proficient student will be able to demonstrate basic digital video and audio recording skills, video and audio uploading and editing techniques, and explain the film production process from concept to completion. As part of a student’s program of study progression, the student will create a digital program of study portfolio, providing evidence of mastery of course standards and readiness to advance and complete the program of study. Film & Media Production 1 Course Code: TCP3000 Prerequisite: Digital Video Technology or Video Production 1A/2A Film & Media Production 1 is designed to introduce students to industry and equipment skills used in film production. Upon completion of the course, a proficient student will demonstrate basic production plan process skills including script writing, storyboard creation, stage setting, lighting equipment and video/audio recording and production editing. A proficient student will also demonstrate basic safety knowledge and protocols that are followed throughout a production process. As part of a student’s program of study progression, the student will maintain a digital program of study portfolio, providing evidence of mastery of course standards and readiness to advance and complete the program of study. Film & Media Production 2 Course Code: TCP4000 Prerequisite: Film & Media Production 1 or Video Production 1B/2B Film & Media Production 2 is designed to have students produce an original digital short film. Students will utilize production equipment and editing software in varying degrees of complexity. Upon completion of the course, a proficient student will be able to create a script, design a storyboard, create a complete film production plan, and implement the plan to create an original creative work. As part of a student’s program of study progression, the student will maintain a digital program of study portfolio providing evidence of mastery of the course standards and readiness to advance and complete the program of study. Film & Media Production: WBL Course Code: TCP4100 Prerequisite: Film & Media Production 2 or Video Production 1C/2C Film & Media Production: WBL is the capstone course in the Film & Media Production program of study. It is intended to provide a work-based learning experience for students to develop further understanding of professional issues, utilize employability skills, and demonstrate mastery of academic and technical skills learned throughout this program of study. The work-based learning experience provides opportunities to apply and practice the knowledge and skills learned in previous courses and gives students hands-on practical experiences related to professions in film and media production. Upon completion of the course, a proficient student will be able to discern multiple pathways to a career in film and media production, necessary steps toward applying for a postsecondary program, necessary steps toward applying for a job, and reflect on program goals and aspirations. Instruction will be delivered through the classroom environment in conjunction with a work-based learning placement, such as an internship. The student will finalize a digital course portfolio providing evidence of mastery of the program standards and readiness for postsecondary and the workforce. |
Being in Video Production as an IBCP student is amazing! From the years before, as you continue to take the class, more projects are assigned and are based off of themes Ms. Misi wants the class to do--themes such as the Butterfly effect, music videos, horror, and public service announcements. This year, I am in the highest class for Video Production, the third level. We may be doing documentaries, competing in Hiki No, and more themes that I am currently not aware of yet. There are so many benefits, including working with others, developing good habits of communication, good organization & planning skills, learning many new skills in filming footage, editing, script writing, and new roles: directing, acting, script writer, cinematographer, producer, editor, etc. These skills can be useful in your life and for your career. ~SOPHIA DANIEL, IBCP C/O 2020 Also featured in the photo are Erin Yoshioka IBCP c/o '21 and Jack Vedder IBCP c/o '22. |